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No New Posts Thoth

Thoth was a Desert World in the Segmentum Pacificus. It was part of the Macharian Crusade and was liberated from Chaos worshipers.

A unit of Tallarn Desert Raiders, especially chosen for the type of planet, led by Captain Al'rahem used the native N'go tribesmen and conducted a guerilla campaign against the Chaos followers on the planet.

The Inquisition soon declared Thoth Amundi Heretica and cleansed the world with virus bombs. Al'Rahem campaigned for the N'go to be relocated due to the aid they provided, and his requests were granted. The N'go were evacuated, along with genetic samples of the flora and fauna of the planet.

Moderators: Saint Angelica, Terrible_Trygon

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No New Posts Tanith

Tanith was a forested world in the Sabbat Worlds cluster. The world was renowned for its forest products the chief of which was the wood and lumber of the Nal Tree. Tanith was destroyed shortly after the founding of the famous Tanith First and Only Imperial Guard Regiment.

Moderators: Saint Angelica, Terrible_Trygon

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No New Posts The Sabbat Worlds

The Sabbat Worlds is the name given to a group of star systems along the rimward edge of the Segmentum Pacificus. Made up of over 100 star systems, the region is subdivided into several discrete territories, most notably the Newfound Trailing, the Khan Group, the Cabal Systems, the Carcaradon Cluster, and the Erinyes Group. It is rumored that the Blood Pact originally came from a system here. First annexed for Imperial colonization in M35, the name Sabbat refers to the area's original redeemer, Saint Sabbat.

Moderators: Saint Angelica, Terrible_Trygon

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No New Posts Macharia

Macharia is a major Imperial world in the Segmentum Pacificus. It was home to Lord Commander Solar Macharius and was the supply base for the Macharian Crusade.

The forces Macharius would use, including many regiments of Catachan Jungle Fighters, were brought together and formed into the fighting force they became. Macharius used his oratorical skills to whip them up into a frenzy, boarding ships in orbit above Macharia.

Upon the death of Macharius, his body was brought back to Macharia and and the planet renamed to Macharia from Macharius. It also became a Shrine World and the beginning of the pilgrimage route following Macharius's footsteps.

Moderators: Saint Angelica, Terrible_Trygon

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No New Posts Kallastin

Kallastin is one of the worlds conquered by Lord Commander Solar Macharius during the Macharian Crusade.

It was held by mutant rebels, fanatically against the Emperor and the Imperium. Macharius deployed the Tallarn Desert Raiders Third Regiment, who proceeded to earn the name 'Tallarn Desert Tigers' and recieved a commendation from the Inquisition for their cleansing of all mutants.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Jucha

Jucha was a Jungle World that was conquered by Lord Commander Solar Macharius in the Macharian Crusade, Segmentum Pacificus.

It was here that Macharius contracted a disease while fighting that would eventually lay him to rest.

The invasion consisted of several regiments of Imperial Guard landing on the planet and gradually working their way around it until it was all conquered. A lot of the regiments were Catachan Jungle Fighters due to their ability to fight in jungles, but one regiment was of Mordian Iron Guard, presumably chosen due to their strength of fire, especcially in tight cities.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

1 11 Revelation
by redterror117
Feb 16, 2008 23:03:58 GMT -5
No New Posts Jakart

Jakart was an Ork world in the Segmentum Pacificus conquered by Lord Commander Solar Macharius during the Macharian Crusade.

Macharius fought here himself on an attack on an Ork held fort, where he recieved debilitating wounds from an Ork Warlord, who he proceeded to slay along with twenty other Orks.

The wounds he recieved limit his combat effectiveness, and as such he only takes part in attacks he feels capable of dealing with. His Carapace Armour protects his injuries, but he never regained his former prowess.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Hydraphur

Hydraphur is a major planet in the Imperium. It is the Segmentum Naval Base for the Segmentum Pacificus.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Guryan

Guryan is a Mining World in the Segmentum Pacificus which successfully rebelled against the rule of Cardinal Bucharis during the Plague of Unbelief . It rose up when Confessor Dolan Chirosius arrived to destroy the empire of Bucharis. It was the second planet to successfully rebel after Chiros.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Colcha

Colcha is an Agri World in the Segmentum Pacificus which successfully rebelled against the rule of Cardinal Bucharis during the Plague of Unbelief. They rose up after Confessor Dolan Chirosius rallied the population with speeches of freedom.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Chiros

During the period of the Plague of Unbelief, it was a planet of continent spanning jungles and forests, with deep lakes and rolling grasslands and a population of several million. It exported many luxury goods and the population liveed quite well

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Adrantis V

Adrantis V was a human, hyper-technical planet which had been seperated from the Imperium for over five thousand years. It was conquered by Lord Commander Solar Macharius during the Macharian Crusade in the Segmentum Pacificus.

The planet's population were hyper advanced, and when Macharius arrived he said that they had 'turned to the dark certainties of science, and created many new and wondrous machines.' Even so, Macharius still had to conquer it. He was held at bay for two years until the planet finally succumbed to a redirected comet. 'Of its secrets, nothing now remains' were the last words of Macharius on the subject.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Ultima Macharia

Ultima Macharia is the final world in the Macharian Crusade to have been conquered by Lord Commander Solar Macharius.

It is located in the Halo Zone, beyond the reach of the Astronomican and outside of the Segmentum Pacificus region. It was here that Macharius's troops refused to go any further, and the crusade ended. It is a testiment to the fearsome nature of Macharius, and that he managed to get this far in the name of the Emperor. It was the one thousandth planet to be conquered

Moderators: Saint Angelica, Terrible_Trygon

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Segmentum Pacificus

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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
Segmentum Pacificus
The Segmentum Pacificus is the westernmost region of the Imperium. It contains many minor planets, along with the major planet of Macharia. The Imperial Naval Base is Hydraphur and is located to the north of the region.

The Sengmentum Pacificus borders on the Segmentum Tempestus, Segmentum Solar and Segmentum Obscurus.

This is the region in which the great Macharian Crusade took part. Over a thousand worlds were conquered in seven years, going from Macharia to Ultima Macharia, outside of the segmentum among the Halo Worlds.
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