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No New Posts Valhalla

Valhalla was originally a verdent Paradise World, home to the Imperial Guard regiment Valhallan Ice Warriors. No records survive of its colonisation, but legends recall a world ripe for conquest. Unfortunatly, Valhalla was destined for something else. It was hit by a gigantic comet. The defence lasers surrounding the planet blasted the comet, but only succeeded in breaking it up. Later, it was found that the comet was made of almost pure iron, explaining why the lasers were so ineffective. The comet impacted in the vast ocean spanning most of the planet but a mile-wide fragment impacted the northern continent, creating vast plumes of dust which proceeded to cover the planet in a blanket of dirt. Also, the planet's orbit was changed, moving it farther away from its star. This change in the amount of warmth and light altered the planets ecosystem, changing the planet to an icy wasteland.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Thandros

Thandros was an important Mining World with an Imperial System Telepathica Matrix. These matrices boost astropathic signals and allow intragalactic communications. It is located in Ultima Segmentum, in the galactic south east of Ultramar, in the Eastern Fringe.

Inquisitor Kryptman attempted to send a message via this matrix concerning the invasion of Tyran, but couldn't get through. He later found that it had been overrun by the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Behemoth.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Tarentus

Tarentus is an arid Desert World, but at the same time an Agri World. It is located within Ultramar, in the Ultima Segmentum. It is ruled and protected by the Ultramarines. The planet is covered in huge domed centres, producing vast amounts of food that goes to supporting other planets and the Ultramarine legions. They also make use of as much moisture as they can get out of the parched planet, setting up large water traps.

Tarentus is part of a group of three agri-systems known as the 'Three Planets'. Just after the Battle of Macragge, a group of Ork scavengers arrived on the 'Three Planets' and proceeded to conquer them. Marneus Calgar led the Ultramarines to reconquer these planets for the good of Ultramar. The other two planets are Quintarn and Masali.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts T'au

T'au is the homeworld of the Tau Empire. It is located within the Ultima Segmentum, to the galactic north of Ultramar. The planet itself is a hot, dry, arid world primarily covered in savannah and scattered mountain ranges. What arable land is covered with efficiently run collective farms managed by the Earth Caste. Cities rise into the sky, covered in white marble. They are very different to the Hives of the Imperium. No humans have ever walked on the streets of the capital, located on the equator, and Imperial scans are blocked by some Tau technology. At the centre of this city appears to be a heavily defended fortress, possibly the heart of the Tau empire, the high council of the Ethereals. The planet has seven moons.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Quintarn

Quintarn is a planet in Ultima Segmentum, part of Ultramar. It is a Desert World, but at the same time an Agri World. It has huge domes built on the surface with vast water traps, capturing as much water as they can and storing it underground.

This is one of three agri-worlds in Ultramar, the others being Tarentus and Masali. Together, the planets are known as the 'Three Planets'.

The Three Planets were captured by Ork scavangers just after the battle against Hive Fleet Behemoth. Marneus Calgar led the forces of the Ultramarines to reconquer them.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Prandium

Prandium is a Dead World. It used to be part of the Ultramarines empire of Ultramar in the Ultima Segmentum

Originally a world teeming with life, it was colonised by explorers from Macragge after the Horus Heresy. The planet quickly became the jewel of Ultramar and prospered until it was consumed by Hive Fleet Behemoth 745.M41.

Now, after all life was removed, it is dead. Even the atmosphere was consumed by the Tyranids. The Ultramarines, led by Marneus Calgar, put up a defence but was hopelessly defeated. Once the planet was consumed, the Ultramarines felt a deep sorrow and blamed themselves for its destruction, as it was under the defence of Ultramar, and they had failed.

It is the last in a trail of four dead worlds left in the wake of Hive Fleet Behemoth; Valos, Tyran, Thandros and Prandium.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Parmenio

Parmenio is a planet in the Ultima Segmentum and part of the Ultramarines empire of Ultramar.

It has only one function, it is the Ultramarines training planet within Ultramar.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Maelstrom

The Maelstrom is a Warp Materium intersection, much like the Eye of Terror. It is a place where the warp spills out, creating storms and currents, making the region very unstable. It is an easy way to access the warp without the need for a warp engine, but it is likely infested with daemonic beasts clawing at the edges of space, looking for an unwary ship who's crew can be possessed.

It is located in the Ultima Segmentum, near to the infamous Badab system. It is mainly used by Chaos Space Marine regiments hiding from Imperial forces, including the Tyrant of Badab and his Astral Claws legion.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Macragge

Macragge is the homeworld of the Ultramarines Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes or Space Marines. A bleak and mountainous planet, most of the citizens of Macragge live in the lowland regions. However the fortress of the Ultramarines, Fortress of Hera is located within the barren mountains and within the mighty walls of the fortress lies the shrine of Roboute Guilliman where he sits upon a throne of marble contained within a stasis field. Macragge has fearsome defences, including two polar defence fortresses, that have been upgraded since the Battle of Macragge.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Kar Duniash

Kar Duniash is the Segmentum Naval Base for the Ultima Segmentum. It is relativly close to Ultramar and as such can help dispatch troops to beleaguered planets. These included troop deployments to combat two Tyranid Hive Fleets, Behemoth and Kraken.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Ichar IV

Ichar IV is a Hive World located in the Ultima Segmentum, galactic north of Ultramar. It is a vital industrial centre for the region, producing supplies for many armies.

At the beginning of the second Tyrranic war, it was infested with Genestealers, and was soon to be invaded. When it was, Marneus Calgar of the Ultramarines was made supreme commander of the defences, and eventually with the combined support of the Ultramarines, Imperial Guard and Iyandan Eldar forces, they successfully destroyed the invasion and cleansed the planet of all genestealers

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Iax

Iax is located in the Ultima Segmentum, within the Ultramarines Empire of Ultramar. It is an Agri World, and is sometimes known as the Garden of Ultramar. Its climate and fertility have made it one of the most productive worlds in the Imperium.

There are no large cities or Hives on Iax, its land given over to producing quality food. The oldest and most densly occupied region is the ancient fortress city of First Landing, where the residents of the planet flock to in times of desperate need. It has been a scene of many raids over the years, but it has always survived and returned to an unusually high degree of fertility.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Gorkamorka

Gorkamorka aka Angelis is a world on the far reaches of the Ultima Segmentum, in the Ghost Stars region.

It was under Imperial investigation when an Ork Space Hulk crashed. Unfortunately, most of the humans living on the planet were wiped out by the crash. The Orks set about building a new ship, the 'Gorkamorka' for one final great Waaagh!. Unfortunately for the Orks, rivalries broke out and the construction process slowed dramatically as tribes fought for resources and territory. It has since been designated a Xenos World due to the higher population of Orks than humans.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Espandor

Espandor is part of the Ultramarines empire, Ultramar in the Ultima Segmentum. It was originally a forest world, settled by traders blown off course while travelling in the warp, and then stranded by vast warp storms.

It was the least densely populated world of Ultramar, until it ended up with no population. The second Tyrannic war saw it consumed by Hive Fleet Kraken in 997.M41.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts The Eastern Fringe

The Eastern Fringe is a section of space located in the galactic east. Little of it is explored due to the sheer distance from Terra and the subsequent absence of the Astronomican. It is known to contain human settlements, as well as alien, of which some are barbarous while others are highly advanced. It borders the Ultima Segmentum

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Dantris III

Dantris III is an Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World on the Eastern Fringe. It was attacked by the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Kraken. A key experiment was carried out during the defence of this world. A few companies of the Lostok 23rd, an Imperial Guard regiment, were surgically modified by the Magos Biologis with drug secreting glands. These allowed the guardsmen so modified to better resist the effects of the Hive Mind and the modifications made to the planet's biosphere by the Tyranids. Dantris III was eventually scoured of the Tyranid menace, although the Lostok 23rd was utterly destroyed in the defence (only three so-called "Gland Warriors" are believed to have survived).

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Calth

Calth is part of Ultramar, the Ultramarines Empire. It is an airless world where the population live in large cities underground. It is best known for its production capabilities and its orbital shipyards. They are used by the Ultramarines, civilian and other military craft for wider use throughout the Imperium.

During the Horus Heresy, Calth was used by Roboute Guilliman as a staging post for his supposed assault on the Veridan System. Horus had ordered the Ultramarines there to divert them from the Siege of Terra. It was then that they were attacked by a force of the Word Bearers legion.

Calth has escaped attacks by both Hive Fleet Behemoth and Kraken.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Badab

Badab is a planet in the Ultima Segmentum and is the homeworld to the renegeade Astral Claws Chapter. It is also located close to the Maelstrom.

Badab was eventually liberated after about ten years of fighting by the Star Phantoms chapter. During the Star Phantoms blockade, the Astral Claws escaped, taking about 200 active and walking wounded marines along with Lufgt Huron.

The planet was searched for the taint of Chaos in an attempt to find out why the Astral Claws had gone renegade, but no reports were made of Chaos involvement, and the planet was declared clear.

Moderators: Saint Angelica, Terrible_Trygon

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No New Posts Attila

The proud people of Attila are recruited extensively into the Imperial Guard where their expertise as horse men is much sought after for scouting duties. Attilan rough riders are now spread throughout the Imperium. On their homeworld these riders challenge one another for position and wealth in the hierarchy of the clan. These fights are often to the death and it is not uncommon for the losers head to be fashioned into drinking vessel

Moderators: Saint Angelica, Terrible_Trygon

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No New Posts Masali

Masali is an arid Desert World converted to be an Agri World. It is located within Ultramar in the Ultima Segmentum. It is covered in vast domed horticultural cities and water traps to capture the water needed to grow vast quantities of food.

Masali is just one of three agri worlds in Ultramar, together the form the 'Three Planets'. This also includes Quintarn and Tarentus. They were each invaded by Ork scavengers just after the Battle of Macragge and Marneus Calgar led the Ultramarines to reconquer them.

The food produced by these planets is exported around the galaxy, and also used to support the Ultramarines in their campaigns.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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No New Posts Talassar

Talassar is an Ocean World in the Ultramarines empire of Ultramar in the Ultima Segmentum.

It is a storm wracked planet of vast seas and rocky islands. It has a single continent named Glaudor, which was the site of a major battle between the Ultramarines and Ork invaders just after the Horus Heresy.

Moderator: Saint Angelica

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Ultima Segmentum

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Ultima Segmentum
The Ultima Segmentum is home to many worlds as it is the largest segmentum in the Imperium. It contains the Ultramarines empire of Ultramar. The Segmentum Naval Base is Kar Duniash.

It has seen attacks by two seperate Tyranid Hive Fleets, Hive Fleet Behemoth and Hive Fleet Kraken. It also contains the Storm of the Emperor's Wrath, a warp-real space convergence, much like the Eye of Terror but on a smaller scale. It also contains the Maelstrom, another warp-real space convergence point, which is used by various traitors as a hiding place and a launch platform for raids.

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